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Your Right to Manage Your Home


What choices do I have?

If you are a local authority tenant, you have a Right to Manage. This means you have the choice to take over responsibility for managing housing services from your landlord by grouping together with other tenants to form a Tenant Management Organisation and following the established Right to

Manage procedures. Additionally, if you are a local authority or housing association tenant, you can ask your landlord to enter into a voluntary agreement about the management of housing services through a local management agreement.


Is this a legal right?

Yes. Under the terms of the Housing Act 1994, local authority tenants can exercise their Right to Manage. There is no legal right for local authority or housing association tenants to enter into a voluntary management agreement with their landlord.


When am I not able to make a choice?

You will need to work with other tenants in your area to decide the housing services that you wish to manage, and the homes covered as part of the Right to Manage. You will also need to engage with other residents to secure support for your plans, and demonstrate that you are competent to manage housing services.


Who is responsible for offering me this choice?

The Right to Manage is a statutory right. The landlord’s consent is not required, nor is any order of court. Social housing tenants can enter into a voluntary management agreement with the consent of the landlord.


Where can I get information and support to help me choose?

The National Federation of Tenant Management Organisations offers information and advice about the Right to Manage and voluntary management agreements:

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