Lumen Housing provides an in house support service, to promote tenancy sustainment and to
encourage and support the independence and wellbeing of our tenants.
Our tenancy support can help in the following areas:
Making sure that your home is suitable for you and your family, ensuring there are no accessibility issues,
that it is the appropriate size, has the basic facilities that you need and repairs are being reported and
carried out. We will also help you to understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.
Money and Rent
We will offer support and guidance on how you manage your money, including making sure your rent is
being paid, dealing with bills, debts or arrears. We can also ensure you are receiving all the benefits you
are entitled to and help you to make benefit claims or set up a bank account.
Looking after your home
An important part of your tenancy agreement is looking after your home. We will offer support around
keeping your home safe and well maintained, heating and airing it, disposing of rubbish and recycling.
We will also offer guidance so that you notice when things may go wrong in your home and how to
report them and arrange repairs. This also includes common areas that you share with other tenants.
Health and wellbeing
This is not about whether your health is good or not but rather helping you look after your health and
wellbeing, including managing any health conditions, going to the doctor or help getting a doctor and
following any treatments. We can help with things like healthy and affordable meal recipes, getting
exercise or joining classes and looking after your emotional wellbeing.
Positive use of time
If you are of working age, we can help support you in to employment, training or education – building
your skills and moving towards a meaningful occupation. If you are a full-time parent or carer, this is your
work and we can offer support around this. If you are retired or unable to work, this is an opportunity for
you to explore purposeful, creative or selfless activities that give your life structure and meaning.
Community and contribution
It is nice to feel like you are part of the community where you live. This may include having friends or
neighbours nearby that you can rely on or taking part in activities, or social, religious or cultural groups in
your local area. We want all of our tenants to feel safe, connected and a positive part of the community.
We can offer guidance around finding things that may be of interest to you. If you are a victim of bullying
or abuse in your locality we can offer support to report this. If you feel you would benefit from our
Tenancy Support Service please contact the team on 01253 477222 or